
Showing posts from May, 2023

The Simpsons Monopoly

The show "The Simpsons" is one of my favorite shows, I've been watching it since I was in the 3rd grade. I still remember the couch gag from the first episode. Of course I'm intersted in The Simpsons Monopoly Editions. I have come accross 3 different versions. They are all currently on my bucket list. There have also been several scenes of the show featuring Monopoly being played.  For more on Monopoly featured on The Simpsons check out the Monopoly Wiki site. 

Super Ad-ons

  In 2005 a fan expansion pack was released by RAD Games. It consists of a smaller board that is placed in the center of the standard Monopoly board. It also adds: 12 New Property Deeds and 2 New Utilities 20 New Action Cards 20 Travel Cards and 20 ROLL THREE Cards 17 New Houses, 7 New Hotels, and 1 Die The goal was to shorten game play. I have read a number of reviews and they all agree that it does make game play shorter. Unfortunately our mascot Uncle Pennybags has been replaced by a business woman in a suit. Well you have to applaud the gender inclusivity.

Monopoly Chance (New Release)

  Monopoly Chance is the newest release from Hasbro in the Monopoly line up. It was release on April 23, 2023. It is a "card" game but does feature a board and buildings. This is advertised as another fast play version, with game play of under 20 minutes. If you have been following my blog you have probably realized that Monopoly card games are my favorite. I enjoy the fact that these card games are easy to learn, they are great for both kids and adults, and they don't require hours of your day to play. In most cases if your trying to kill a couple hours, you can play best 3 out of 5 full games. Here is the product description "Risk it all with the flip of a card! The Monopoly Chance game is the high-stakes, card-flipping version of the Monopoly game—and it only takes about 20 minutes to play! Instead of moving a token around the board, each player receives a token deck with Cash cards (no paper money!) Bankrupt cards, and strategic cards that lend an edge. Roll the ...

Advance to Boardwalk

  Advance to Boardwalk is a Monopoly spin-off released in 1985 by Parker Brothers. The game is set on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. The goal is to be the richest builder on the Boardwalk by owning properties with the highest total value. This is for 2 for 4 players. To begin players roll both dice and the player with the highest number goes first.  The first player rolls 3 dice, 2 number dice and the color die. The numbered dice indicate the funds available to build with and the color die indicateds which color zone they can build in. If a "W" is rolled on the colored die, it's a wild and the player can choose any of the color zones. If a "F" is rolled on the colored die the player takes a Fortune card and disregards the numbered dice. The spaces on the board have an assigned million dollar amount. A player may build on a space that is equal to or less then the amount rolled. They may also choose to build on more then one property, with the sum totaling the amoun...


 Monopoly is not the only popular game out there with variations on game play. Uno is another game that has stood the test of time. The game was originally developed in 1971 by a barber in Ohio. It was later bought by Mattel in 1992.  Uno is a shedding card game, meaning the goal is to get rid of all your cards while also preventing opponents from getting rid of their cards. Here is the basic game play from Here are some variations: Uno Dare Uno Flip Uno Flex Dos Skip-Bo Phase 10 Wild Twist